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Michael Dorin

Assistant Professor

Software Engineering and Data Science

  • Education
  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Wurzburg
    MS, Computer Science, Metropolitan State University
    BS, Math-Computer Science, University of Wisconsin

  • Expertise
  • Android application development, embedded systems, device drivers, full stack development, operating systems, software engineering, telecommunications, programming languages: Python, C, C++, Java.

Michael Dorin has nearly 30 years of software development experience and worked in many engineering environments. His background includes engineering work in public safety communications, medical devices (pacemakers), telephony, and aircraft navigation. Michael participated in initial rollouts of world wide email and document exchange systems while at IBM. He started up and managed a telecommunications products company for many years. Before coming to the University of St. Thomas, Michael taught Computer Science at Metropolitan State University.

Courses Taught at St. Thomas:

Software Engineering - SEIS 610
Operating Systems Design - SEIS 640