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Associate Dean Bhabani Misra carries the mace into graduate commencement.

Graduate Programs in Software

Leadership and Vision

Our Mission

Consistent with the mission of the University of St. Thomas, Graduate Programs in Software (GPS) is committed to provide a high-quality graduate education that integrates software technologies into workplace solutions. The program has a balanced emphasis on both theoretical concepts and practical applications of a wide variety of software technologies.

The mission of GPS includes providing opportunities for lifelong learning, such as advanced graduate education and continuing education offerings, on current and future software technologies.

We are committed to provide a high-quality graduate education that expands, strengthens, and converts technical expertise, knowledge, understanding, skill and insights about state-of-the-art software, business, information systems, and information technology into workplace solutions. The program educates students with a balanced emphasis on theoretical concepts and practical applications of these technologies.

Our graduate programs are structured to build on the experiences of the professional and strive to enrich the lives of the student and their community, enhance the economic health of the global economic environment, and support the overall mission of the University of St. Thomas.

Headshot of Dr. Don Weinkauf.

Meet the Dean

Dr. Don Weinkauf

Dr. Don Weinkauf has served as the Dean of Engineering at the University of St Thomas in St. Paul since 2008.

Dr. Don Weinkauf
Dr. Deb Besser headshot

Meet the Associate Dean

Dr. Deb Besser

Dr. Deb Besser began her role as Associate Dean for the School of Engineering in 2023.

Dr. Deb Besser

Goals and Philosophy

  • To provide timely continuing education opportunities in the field of software engineering, information systems, information technology, and data science to help students meet the dynamic organizational demands.
  • To provide professional graduate education for career advancement or career change in software engineering, information technology and data science.
  • To provide professional graduate education in software development technologies and data science for users in education, government, marketing, business, law, medicine and manufacturing.
  • To provide professional graduate education that couples theoretical knowledge with "real world" problem solving.
  • To provide professional graduate education that leads the student and her/his organization into the use of current and future software technologies.
  • To provide a learning environment where students become aware of the ethical, legal, moral and human issues of the Digital Age.
  • To provide an environment that encourages lifelong learning.

Our Advisory Boards

Board of Governors

The Board of Governors (BOG) guides the strategic direction of the School of Engineering and assists it in accomplishing its mission. Board membership consists of prominent academic, industry, and public sector leaders.

The Board of Governors

Strategic Advisory Board

The Graduate Programs in Software Strategic Advisory Board (SAB) provides strategic advice and counsel, providing current industry trends and directions that impact the curriculum or programs. The SAB is comprised of CIO’s, CTO’s and other technical leaders from an array of industries in the Twin Cities region and beyond.
The Software Strategic Advisory Board