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Abe Kazemzadeh

Assistant Professor

Software Engineering and Data Science

  • Education
  • PhD, Computer Science, University of Southern California
    MS, Computational Linguistics, University of Southern California
    BA, Linguistics, University of Southern California

  • Expertise
  • Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing​, Data Science, Software Engineering, Open Source, and Social Media.
  • Research Interests
  • Natural Language Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Human-Computer Interaction, Affective Computing​, Data Science, Software Engineering, Open Source, Social Media, Databases, Python, R.

Dr. Abe Kazemzadeh is an Assistant Professor in the University of St. Thomas Software Engineering and Data Science department. His undergraduate interest in linguistics led him to graduate studies in computer science that focused on natural language processing and a career that has included research and software engineering in speech recognition, voice and text dialog systems, sentiment and demographic analysis of social media, social network analytics, and extracting machine-learned signals from financial news.

  • Dow Jones News Wire named-entity recognizer, full-text search interface, and commodities event extractor.
  • Tennis trivia chatbot for a leading global sports league.
  • Social media advertising campaign builder using machine-learned demographic information of Twitter users.
  • Sentiment analysis for Twitter discussion of 2012 US Presidential election and 2012 Oscar nominations.
  • Automated pronunciation modeling for child literacy assessment in a major metropolitan school district.
  • VXML telephony survey in English and Spanish for autism outreach.
  • Speech recognition grammar weighting based on social network structure for video-on-demand for a top telecommunications provider.
  • Acoustic model training for immersive, speech-interactive virtual world language training.